Δημοκρατικό Πατριωτικό Λαϊκό Κίνημα
Dissemination and internationalisation of the Greek language and culture
The legacy of the great Greeks and our national heritage must be safeguarded and not tainted by those who do not respect the historical truth. Our great language and customs must remain strong and shine on the global stage.
- "Greek Hollywood" and Hellenic History Channel: A recreational and entertainment sector dedicated to the qualitative promotion of aspects and figures from Greek history of international significance.
- Greece can develop as a leading worldwide pilgrimage destination for Christians from the East and West - here is where the Apostles, renowned Saints, accomplished their acts and where the world's first Christian civilisation, Byzantium, was established.
- Internationalisation of the ancient Greek language through certification tests, inclusion into Google's automatic translation languages, recognition of the polytonic system in searches, and establishment of annual Greek language festivals. Internationalisation of the ancient Greek ‘pankration’ in certified martial arts.
- New ambassadors of Hellenism: Accommodation of children of expatriates and Philhellenes in mass camps, where they are quickly introduced to Greek language and culture.